steveinbsas said:Anyone who can make that kind of dough shouldn't have to join the Army to learn IT. Doesn't the Army pay about $22,000 USD per year? The OP would have to save 90% of it for six years to have $120K. If he has some savings now he could get the IT education at a vocational college without joining the Army, but chances of finding an IT job in Argentina will be less than 10%.
I can, however, imagine that the Army might look like a good alternative to a 25-26 year old male who is about to be kicked out of his parents basement and be taken off their health insurance policy. I also wonder if the Army accepts recruits with "full sleeve" tattoos. Even if they do, I hope they have some psychological tests to weed out those who are a more than just a bit out of touch with reality (speaking generally, of course).
- I am enlisting in the army because they will pay $65000 of my $80000 in student loans from earning a bachelors and masters (which apparently I earned while living in my mother's basement) if I enlist in a critical MOS and IT (25b) is a critical MOS.