question about renewing pensionado residencia


May 15, 2017
As of last year my wife and I have residencia de pensionado temporaria. We returned to Migraciones to the "Prorroga de residencia" section on Monday to renew our residencia for another year. We were told that we needed to have reauthorized the document we were presenting (a letter from the US Embassy here stating SS benefits for life). We thought they were telling us that we needed to get the letter reauthorized at the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. So we went to the Ministerio and of course they told us that they cannot recertify the same document, which makes sense. That leads us to believe that they were telling us that we need a new letter from the US Embassy here, even though the letter we have states that the benefits are for life. When we presented everything last year, I asked the migraciones person if we would need a new letter for this year, and I am positive he told me that we would not. Has something changed in what they require that you present? Or did we just get a clerk that gave us misinformation? Thanks for any help you can offer. Stan
. That leads us to believe that they were telling us that we need a new letter from the US Embassy here, even though the letter we have states that the benefits are for life.

Yes, they were telling you that you need a new SS benefits letter from the US Embassy and it will have to be authorized at the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto.

When we presented everything last year, I asked the migraciones person if we would need a new letter for this year, and I am positive he told me that we would not. Has something changed in what they require that you present? Or did we just get a clerk that gave us

It will be impossible to answer these questions until someone else has the same experience or is able to renew their visa pensionado without providing a new letter. Even if you call migraciones you might get a different answer over the phone than in person.

Social Security benefits may be "for life" but they can be suspended for (the most common reason) not submitting the "proof of life" form that is required every other year. Migraciones might be aware of this but they might not. Either way, until you give them everything "they" ask for "they" won't give you the renewal.

The first year I renewed my visa pensionado migraciones did not require a new penales antecedentes form. A year later, when I was at migraciones to ask for my second renewal I spoke with a former member of this site. He said his renewal was refused a week earlier because he did not have a new Argentine criminal report.

I left migraciones without speaking to a clerk, got the report, and returned to migraciones later in week. I presented my updated docs to the clerk as she requested them. I had the new penales antecedents in the folder. She never asked for it.

A year later I asked for the third renewal and the change from temporary residency. This time the clerk asked for the new penales antecedentes, which, I'm glad to say, I already had. As always, I also had an updated letter verifying the source of my foreign income.
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QUOTE="steveinbsas, post: 358066, member: 552"]
As always, I also had an updated letter verifying the source of my foreign income.[/QUOTE]

PS: The "proof" of my monthly foreign income was a letter from a bank officer that detailed the source and frequency of the deposits. It always had to be notarized and receive the Apostille in the US and then be sent to, translated, and legalized in Argentina.

Getting an new Social Security monthly benefits letter at the US Embassy and having it authorized at the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto would have been an a most welcome and much less expensive alternative.

PS2: If I remember correctly (without looking again), I think the "fine print" on the migraciones website indicates they can ask for additional information (anything they want) to provide proof of the monthly foreign income.
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This is why I am using an immigration lawyer here. Too many things that can change in the blink of an eye
Good evening (Egypt time) Mr. Steve
Is it permissible in Argentina to open a bank account for a visiting person? I mean a bank deposit that represents a negative income for renista visa?
Good evening (Egypt time) Mr. Steve
Is it permissible in Argentina to open a bank account for a visiting person? I mean a bank deposit that represents a negative income for renista visa?

It is not necessary to make monthly deposits in an Argentine bank account to "represent" ( or demonstrate) the foreign income prior to receiving the "visa rentista" (aka "residencia temporaria" based on passive (and stable) foreign income). Besides, Argentine banks will not allow you to open an account without a tax ID number issued by AFIP.

As far as I know, the only way you might be ale to open a bank account before obtaining temporary residency would be if you were buying property (with a CDI as opposed to a DNI), but that would only allow you to transfer the funds to make the purchase, not to continue to make monthly deposits for any other purpose.
Thanks, Steve, for your help! I will let you know what I eventually find out and what we had to do.
My wife and I renewed our pensionado residencia renewed yesterday. We had gotten a few days earlier an update SS benefits letter from the US Embassy here. I asked if we were going to need a new (updated) letter every time we renewed and was told yes. I also asked if everyone who is renewing needs an update letter, explaining that while it was not a big deal for those of us from the US, it is for those expats from countries like Canada, which are not part of the the Hague Convention. I was told by the migraciones employee that they realized that but still everyone must present an updated benefits documents every time he/she renews. We have been told by two out of the three Sector K Prorroga employees that this is now the requirement, regardless of whether that was the case before.