Question for Americans:Voting?

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The complete breakdown by country for the Global Presidential Primary. Bernie won in Argentina.
Dear Democrats,

Democrats Abroad is drafting the platform that we'll take to the Democratic National Convention this July, and we want you to get involved and help us define what we as American Democrats abroad stand for.

How to get involved
For the next five days (April 23 - 27), Democrats Abroad members can log in to our website and join the conversation, either by answering survey questions that help us prioritize our issues or by joining in the drafting work and submitting your comments on sections of the platform we've posted in draft form or as section headings.

Click here to go to the Platform Draft and make a submission. Comments can be submitted no later than Wednesday April 27th at 5pm EDT.

The details
Our Platform team will read every comment but we do not guarantee that all ideas submitted will be included as planks. Once every submission is reviewed, the team will select planks and submit them to the Platform Committee so that they can then produce the final platform draft and present it to the Democrats Abroad Voting Members at our Global Convention in Berlin this May. Voting representatives from Democrats Abroad Country Committees across the globe will debate and ratify the platform.

Many thanks for your interest in the Democrats Abroad 2016 Platform and for taking the time to participate in its preparation. We look forward to reading your submissions.

Democratically yours,

Katie Solon

International Chair

Democrats Abroad
Remember to register to vote and request your absentee ballot! All U.S. citizens will have an opportunity to register to vote through the Federal Voting Assistance Program during American Night at the Hard Rock Café (Av. Pueyrredon y Libertador, Buenos Aires Design, 1119) in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, June 7 from 5:30 – 8:00 pm.. For more information please visit

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses
Our voting system needs an overhaul.
The Institute for American Democracy & Election Integrity
Protecting Our Elections
Dear Janis,

Election Day is just 21 weeks away. Democrats Abroad is committed to Getting Out the Vote around the world to help keep a Democrat in the White House and elect a Democratic Congress. YOU can help make that happen. YOU can donate. YOU can volunteer. And YOU can vote.

We’re in the middle of implementing an innovative and comprehensive Get Out the Vote (GOTV) plan that will help mobilize millions of overseas Americans to cast their votes and elect Democrats in November. It is built on a mixture of social media, paid advertising and person-to-person networking. We hope to turn every country in the world into a “community” of committed overseas American voters. But to be successful, the plan needs YOU.

We need to raise a significant amount to make the plan a success. But every dollar you donate will be part of that success. So please donate $10, 25, $50 or whatever you can afford. Every dollar you give will help us reach 10 overseas Americans. $100 will reach 1,000. And THEY will make the difference.

We also need your time. We need people like you to help make person-to-person outreach a reality – by telephoning, by mailing and by talking to people just like YOU – Americans who want to make a difference. So please consider donating your time by clicking here. Every hour of your time can help us reach 10 new voters. And THEY will make the difference.

And make sure that you request your own ballot now so that you can cast your vote. And then YOU will make the difference.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote. Choose one – or all three. It’s up to YOU. But let us together make a difference.

Art Schankler

International Treasurer

Democrats Abroad
UNCOUNTED: The True Story of the California Primary
Celebrate democracy this 4th of July by taking the necessary steps to vote in the 2016 U.S. elections!

In order to vote in the November 2016 elections, all overseas U.S. citizens need to have completed a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)in 2016. Whether you are a first-time voter or have already received ballots and voted absentee in past elections, you must complete an FPCA each year to participate in elections as an overseas absentee voter.

If you have never voted while overseas before, the process is easy ­-- just follow these steps:

1. Request Your Ballot: Complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). You must complete a new FPCA after January 1, 2016 to ensure you receive your ballot for the 2016 elections. The completion of the FPCA allows you to request absentee ballots for all elections for federal offices (President, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives) including primaries and special elections during the calendar year in which it is submitted. The FPCA is accepted by all local election officials in all U.S. states and territories.

You can complete the FPCA online at The online voting assistant will ask you questions specific to your state. We encourage you to ask your local election officials to deliver your blank ballots to you electronically (by email, internet download, or fax, depending on your state). Include your email address on your FPCA to take advantage of the electronic ballot delivery option. Return the FPCA per the instructions on the website. will tell you if your state allows the FPCA to be returned electronically or if you must submit a paper copy with original signature. If you must return a paper version, please see below for mailing options.

2. Receive and Complete Your Ballot: States are required to send out ballots 45 days before a regular election for federal office and states generally send out ballots at least 30 days before primary elections. For most states, you can confirm your registration and ballot delivery online.

3. Return Your Completed Ballot: Some states allow you to return your completed ballot electronically and others do not. If your state requires you to return paper voting forms or ballots to local election officials, you can do so free of charge at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Place your ballots in postage paid return envelopes or in envelopes bearing sufficient domestic U.S. postage, and address them to the relevant local election officials.

If you wish to drop your FPCA or ballot at the U.S. Embassy for mailing, please fill out and seal your voting materials per the instructions located at Insert your materials in the postage-paid envelope located at, address it to your local election officials, and drop it at the U.S. Embassy at the gate located on Cerviño.*

If it’s more convenient for you, you can also return your FPCA or ballot to your local election officials via international mail or professional courier service at your own expense.

*NOTE: If you need assistance filling out your voting materials, you must request an appointment to enter the Embassy. Please click here to make an appointment for a “notarial or other service”. You may contact the Embassy by email if you are having difficulty securing an appointment.

Researching the Candidates and Issues: Online Resources. Check out the FVAP links page for helpful resources that will aid your research of candidates and issues. Non-partisan information about candidates, their voting records, and their positions on issues are widely available and easy to obtain on-line. You can also read national and hometown newspapers on-line, or search the internet to locate articles and information. For information about election dates and deadlines, subscribe to FVAP's Voting Alerts ( FVAP also shares Voting Alerts via Facebook and Twitter.

Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) website, If you have any questions about registering to vote overseas, please contact the U.S. Embassy Buenos Aires Voting Assistance Officer at

Remember, your vote counts!
Voter suppression was widespread in the primaries. The election was rigged for Hillary Clinton to win the nomination that was actually for Bernie Sanders.

It's even worse when the House of Representatives isn't allowed to vote on legislation. Democrats held a sit-in.
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