Question On Cables Draped Off Your Roof And City Ordinances


Jul 18, 2009
Hello group!

I live in a tall building and for years there has been a cable off of our roof to an adjoining building, I don’t know what it is, whether it’s for Fibertel or for cable TV. Now there is a second cable that appeared a few days ago and it’s draped right across my bedroom window. I plan on talking to the administration, but have little hope that will matter. Is there some kind of city ordinance about this? Can I complain to some city organization about them just hanging a cable off our roof?

Thanks for any pointers!

Pete & Ron
We once had a telephone cable mysteriously appearing across our roof which continued over part of the garden and onwards across the neighbours property. It was annoying because it was sagging so low over part of the terrace it wasn't much above head height.The wife and I sprang into action. She asked around to no avail so I went on the roof to find out where it was coming from and where it was going. Again we were thwarted as it didn't seem to begin or end at any specific point. The wife wasn't happy so she just took a pair of scissors to it and cut it. :eek:
A day later workers from Telefonica knocked on the door and asked if they could access our roof to attach a cable. She allowed them then gave them a mouthful after finding out they had previously draped it over our property instead of securing it because they hadn't been able to gain access that day. Probably a good idea if you show more patience than my wife and find out who owns the cable then give them a ring to fix it.
We once had a telephone cable mysteriously appearing across our roof which continued over part of the garden and onwards across the neighbours property. It was annoying because it was sagging so low over part of the terrace it wasn't much above head height.The wife and I sprang into action. She asked around to no avail so I went on the roof to find out where it was coming from and where it was going. Again we were thwarted as it didn't seem to begin or end at any specific point. The wife wasn't happy so she just took a pair of scissors to it and cut it. :eek:
A day later workers from Telefonica knocked on the door and asked if they could access our roof to attach a cable. She allowed them then gave them a mouthful after finding out they had previously draped it over our property instead of securing it because they hadn't been able to gain access that day. Probably a good idea if you show more patience than my wife and find out who owns the cable then give them a ring to fix it.

Given the circumstances, I prefer your wife's approach. :cool:
Er at the very least just gather up and bind the cable so its not hanging.

Sometimes it is not any of the utilities, but rather someone trying to pirate the said util.
When I was new to Buenos Aires I would have said to speak to your building administrator, etc, etc. After nearly 10 years here I would strongly advise that you just cut the cable. Instant result, minimum drama.

As in the example UK Man gave above, it is likely that the people responsible will be be back, but will show you more respect the next time. If not, just cut it again.

PS Make sure it is not an electrical cable before you cut it - you don't want to be fried!

La Fleur
Given the circumstances, I prefer your wife's approach. :cool:

It certainly worked and she didn't bat an eyelid doing it.

When we lived in the UK I was always reminding her fixing problems the Argentine way weren't quite as acceptable.
I have found cable stringers usually to be pretty decent at making sure there are no problems. But you always have exceptions. I would also cut the cable if it was really annoying. :)
:lol: I guess I've been here too long too because my first reaction was also "just get rid of it." As long as it's not a power cable. ;)

When/if questioned, just play dumb...
They all carry a current. Be careful what you cut.
It's a 20 story building and the cable is thick, the cable must be 200 meters long and must weigh 150 kilos?? I think cutting it would result in serious damage to surrounding roofs! Believe me, that was my first thought!
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