Real Estate Timing - Arguments For Now Vs Later?

I'm on the same boat (planning to buy soon).

It's so hard to predict...

As of now, I have money invested in various assets (art mainly) and my plan is to finish liquidating those during the first semester of 2015.
So I'll be able to buy a piece of land in Patagonia starting in 12/14 months to build my house.

But buying before or after the 2015 elections is indeed the big question. I'll be ready for both...

Another important thing: back in 2002, the best window of opportunity lasted for a few months (it still was very profitable to buy after but to give -maybe again- an example, a couple of Uruguayan friends bought a nice PH in january of february 2012 for 40.000 USD at Cabrera x Bonplan, this place is likely worth now around 150.000 USD).

Damn, there's a typo above (easily detectable), the second 2012 should read 2002.
Hi everyone!

I used to help run a real estate investment association (REIA) and a lot of things from that are forever burned into my brain. Couldn't help but get caught up in reading this thread, but I guess I'm off the wagon now, cheers.

It would be so much fun to participate but I'm so far behind in the REI landscape here. I'd love to bring myself up to speed and would love to know what the staple resources for real estate data are around here?

Like is there any sort of government outlet that publishes this sort of data?

There are realtors here right? What's their association and do they publish market reports?

I don't suppose any of you are real estate investors from the USA?
It would really depend on what your investment objective is................if you are looking to buy and sell quickly and make a profit then now is not the right time. If you are looking to buy as an investment and rent out to get income then now is not a good time unless you get your rental contract in USD (I am lucky enough to have one of those) - either way you need to think long term about selling as getting a large amount of USD out of the country without paying a lot of commissions will be difficult

If you are looking long term and need somewhere to live and have USD then now is a good time to buy...............prices are still good relative to other major cities globally and in Latin America with a similar quality of life to what you can have in BA. If you are hoping for another 2002 type meltdown then I doubt that is going to happen this time