Recommendation for cigarette brands?

Sorry, didn't mean to sound bitter or anything. I am an ex smoker myself.
Agree with Canick. L&M are also good. An expat friend of mine likes Viceroys. I'm missing my cigarettes right now, forever on and off smoker here...
I smoked Parliaments.

I still miss my after coffee cigarette in the morning. And the cigarette with a glass of wine in the evening. Just those two but I miss them a lot!
When I went back to UK for a holiday I started smoking lightly but I actually felt healthier than being a non-smoker here due to the difference in pollution. Just living here is like a pack a day habit...
My girlfriend smokes and I relish the thought of kissing her nicotine stained lips. And since I smoke, I save money by inhaling her breath.
I'm a Spirit smoker as well and now I hate to say that I smoke Camels here. I never thought I would see the day... I've always been a Camel "hater". But for some reason they don't taste as bad as I remember then tasting in the US. I miss my American Spirit Lights so bad though!