Recycling/green movement

Matt84 said:
considering how expensive plastic is and is about to become, I wouldn't worry about any of it being wasted!

as for everything else we live in a much too complex society, I'm sure mild recycling will not do it.

still curious about how dangerous those energy saving bulbs are..

They have mercury, you tell me.
Matt84 said:
considering how expensive plastic is and is about to become, I wouldn't worry about any of it being wasted!

as for everything else we live in a much too complex society, I'm sure mild recycling will not do it.

still curious about how dangerous those energy saving bulbs are..
For the enviroment, they're not really, the hoopla a few years ago was because they contain mercury that they should be recycled. The truth though is that they have a minuscule amount mercury and the net effect on the enviroment is considered to be a plus. Batteries are probably much worse.

Thats for the enviroment, for the people handling all the crushed mercury containing bulbs on the other hand....
Bajo_cero2 said:
With all my respect, you don t get it. Cartoneros open your bags looking for whatever might be recyclable and they sell it. plastic and glass Bottles, paper, food, etc. Regards

I'm not sure if I'm the one who doesn't "get it," but my question was about how to organize my garbage so it's as easy as possible for the carteneros. They do an unpleasant, exhausting job, with little compensation I suspect, and if I can make their work more efficient (and maybe get a little more of my garbage reused/recycled), then I'd like to do it.
BAwithkids said:
I'm not sure if I'm the one who doesn't "get it," but my question was about how to organize my garbage so it's as easy as possible for the carteneros. They do an unpleasant, exhausting job, with little compensation I suspect, and if I can make their work more efficient (and maybe get a little more of my garbage reused/recycled), then I'd like to do it.

People tried to do *something* years ago to no avail. Besides cardboard, wood, metal and other actually useful scraps that should not go to waste anyway, they value clear plastic the most, so you could do part of their work by separating clear plastic bags yourself. But honestly I see them every day and they do their work as fast as possible and not counting on any pre recycling. If you wanna give them a hand just give them food or actual money.

@Phillip, I totally meant risk for humans, as in a broken mercury thermometer
What I do in my building is I call weekly to "el Ceibo" an NGO that has their own truck and they come and collect your recycling rubbish.
In my building everyone agreed to separate recycling stuff and I call to arrange the day and time with our portero.

It does work! and It makes us all feel we are contributing with the environment!:)
CFL bulbs also present a risk when using them (radioelectric frequencies) = don't spend nights reading nearby one.

When I lived in the big city, I used to make it easier for cartoneros + protecting anything that could hurt them and writing big warnings on them (broken glass, whatever).

There's also the problem with medications (anticonceptive, antibiotics, etc. have very damaging effects on fish...). I've asked two or three farmacias here and there's no recycling at all.

This will change over time here, hopefully, like it happened in the northern countries.