Removing Stains on Clothes in BA


Sep 27, 2008
I am looking for the Shout equivalent here in Argentina in order to remove grease stains from clothes. I have tried Tre-net and it does not work. Does anyone else have this problem here?
JBH1216, there is no equivalent of the "Shout" product in Argentina, sorry. I too have looked hard, but have brought my own from the US. I usually try organic stain removers first before I grab my Shout tube (with brush on cap). Try using vinegar (distilled) for some stains, club soda for wine stains, baking powder for grease stains and/ or lemon dipped in baking soda and gently scrubbed over the grease stain.
Best way to avoid stains in Argentina (collar, cuffs) is to iron with starch spray. That way when the stain happens when you wash the stain is on the starch film and not on the cloth itself.
I hope this helps.
Though I know, Shout is very handy and effective. I never am without it myself.
I have noticed that the dry cleaners here work wonders, which is another option. They must have access to chemicals that are banned elsewhere, because they have removed years-old stains from some of my clothes and done other various miracles to things I had lost hope on.
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