rent small room in an antique department , old city of Buenos Aires

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Oct 9, 2007
My friend has an antique department house near from Av. 9 de Julio and Av. de Mayo, good access to travel any part of Buenos Aires by bus and subway.

As his parents have died, he lives alone and rent two small rooms.
Ricardo is an Argentinian Japanese Journalist so speak Spanish, Japanese and English.

one room by month 1400 pesos argentinos
by week 400 pesos argentinos

with internet conection, small old tv (not cable) , kitchen and laundry machine , bath room will be shared.
Ricardo can teach how to live in Buenos Aires, safe and economy.
Please ask to
[email protected]

Here is not luxuary deparment and not too sunny, because is inside of the building , but there is a small patio (inside garden) where you can wash and dry your cloths, so that is not noisy in spite of good access for the public transportation.

If you want to use two rooms with your friend and/or by several months, will have discount.
Thank you so much, until Nov 20 th the two rooms will not be available.
Thanks so much. Now from the Dec 6 th, one room will be available!
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