Rentista Visa & Currency Exchange


Jun 9, 2023
Hello, I understand that it is necessary for a rentista visa holder to transfer his income. However, is it required that it be exchanged in to pesos? Is there a way to transfer it to a dollar-denominated account at an Argentine bank, or international bank with an Argentine branch, keep it in dollars, and still have it count for rentista purposes? Thank you.
I am unable to edit, but I wanted to add the citation:

Decreto 616/2010 - ARTICULO 23 - b

b) Rentista: Quien ingrese en esta subcategoría deberá acreditar ante la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES el origen de los fondos y su ingreso al país, por intermedio de instituciones bancarias o financieras autorizadas por el BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Asimismo, deberá probar que el monto de las rentas que perciba resulta suficiente para atender a su manutención y la de su grupo familiar primario. A los fines de otorgar la residencia se deberán tomar en cuenta las disposiciones de la Ley Nº 25.246, sobre Encubrimiento y Lavado de Activos de origen delictivo.
Addendum: after further due diligence, it looks like my inquiry was frivolous. The moderation is welcome to delete this thread since it now serves no legitimate purpose.
Hi George, did you get an answer to your question? i am wondering the same