Residency Hassle Free Countries


Apr 28, 2013
Hi :
8.5 years passed by in BsAs, like it was just yesterday. Care free and just passing my retirement years enjoying every minute. One day I waked up & noticed that my Canadian Driver License is about to expire. Started to look for a renewal. WHAT A TRUN OF EVENTS !!!!!!

It turned out to be that I should not be looking for a DL renewal, but should be looking at a nightmare called RESIDENCY.
Today I heared that under the right circumstances, I could face a and court order deportation in 10 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am reading this stuff Federal Courts and Supreme Court and Letigation and lawyers and deportation and I am wondering, asking myself what I got to do with this stuff??? Is it realiy worth it???????????????????????????? I am just spending my retirement years in peace. I am not looking for work. I am not taking anyones job.

What I do not understand is Supreme Court and Federal Courts for my little residency?????????? I am just a little retiree.

Are there some other countries that may accept someone like me with less hassle? Much much much less hassle???

May be it is time to start looking???????? Instead of spending the rest of my life in courts.
Hi :
8.5 years passed by in BsAs, like it was just yesterday. Care free and just passing my retirement years enjoying every minute. One day I waked up & noticed that my Canadian Driver License is about to expire. Started to look for a renewal. WHAT A TRUN OF EVENTS !!!!!!

It turned out to be that I should not be looking for a DL renewal, but should be looking at a nightmare called RESIDENCY.
Today I heared that under the right circumstances, I could face a and court order deportation in 10 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am reading this stuff Federal Courts and Supreme Court and Letigation and lawyers and deportation and I am wondering, asking myself what I got to do with this stuff??? Is it realiy worth it???????????????????????????? I am just spending my retirement years in peace. I am not looking for work. I am not taking anyones job.

What I do not understand is Supreme Court and Federal Courts for my little residency?????????? I am just a little retiree.

Are there some other countries that may accept someone like me with less hassle? Much much much less hassle???

May be it is time to start looking???????? Instead of spending the rest of my life in courts.

Why not apply for citizenship?

Most other countries are much more harsh in their treatment of Perma-Tourists.

If you want to stay a tourist legally you might consider spending half your time in Equador and half here.
Panama is a heaven for US retirees lots of special health and other benefits for SS beneficiaries, also Ecuador welcomes retired citizens. see international living rating Ecuador 1 , Panama 2...!!

"On paper, Panama’s major draw is itsPensionado (pensioner) visa. Qualified pensioners get residence fairly quickly. And they are entitled to local retiree discounts…10% to 15% off consultations and medication…25% off at restaurants…and 50% off admission to movies, theaters, and such. Nearly every aspect of life comes with a discount."

Well, to apply for a retiree visa os not particullary difficult.
To go to federal courts is only if you want to apply for citizenship.
Nobody is going to deport you, this is not the US.
Just do some research and apply for a visa for retiree people. You don t need a lawyer for that.
Well, to apply for a retiree visa os not particullary difficult.
To go to federal courts is only if you want to apply for citizenship.
Nobody is going to deport you, this is not the US.
It is comforting that you make it sound possible. Thanks a million Bajo_cero, baexpats team & contributers. I am sorry I did not find baexpats 8.5 years earlier. Never knew anything about CITIZENSHIP before baexpats.

Just do some research and apply for a visa for retiree people. You don t need a lawyer for that.
Are you referring to visa for retiree the RESIDENCY route? They raised the monthly pension requirement from US$700 to US$2200. My government pension is US$1000. Is the RESIDENCY route still possible for me, OR my only option now is the CITIZENSHIP route (they only require the honest source of pension not the amount of pension)?

If I know the requirements of the LAW and that there is light at the end of the tunnel, I am willing to do whatever it takes, cause I am really happy and would rather spend all my retirement here.
Panama is a heaven for US retirees lots of special health and other benefits for SS beneficiaries, also Ecuador welcomes retired citizens. see international living rating Ecuador 1 , Panama 2...!!

"On paper, Panama’s major draw is itsPensionado (pensioner) visa. Qualified pensioners get residence fairly quickly. And they are entitled to local retiree discounts…10% to 15% off consultations and medication…25% off at restaurants…and 50% off admission to movies, theaters, and such. Nearly every aspect of life comes with a discount."


As a Panamanian, I support that statement. Cost of living is rising largely due to increased foreing investment and immigration, but it's still comparatively lower than most of North America, while using the US$ (just as Ecuador does... surely both being atop that ranking is not a coincidence). Still, after so many years in Bs.As., I'd wait a bit for the advice of other forum members who might know better ways for you to stay there and handle those legal issues. The option of splitting your time 50/50 between Ecuador and Argentina sounds reasonable.