Residency in Argentina

- Residents who own property only pay 0.5% of assets tax (bienes personales) (it could be more if its worth above a certain value) while non residents always pay 1.25% YEARLY!. So thats 0.75 % more for not having residency.
- When selling their property, residents pay ITI 1.5% , and non residents pay it as well, BUT they need to do a filing first called CERTIFICADO DE RETENCION and in most of the cases the AFIP will calculate "ganancia presunta" before giving you the Certificado (they assume you have been renting out your property), and AFIP will make you pay "ganancia presunta" first, and once you comply they will give you the Certificado and you will be able to sell and pay ITI.
If you have doubts, I can send you the links of the website of AFIP (local IRS). I am sorry for my english, I am not a native. Regards.
Living here for many years and owning property without residency in my opinion is not a good option.
Not only it will save you a lot of money in taxes it gives you the added option of living here constantly without having to cross the border every three months which for many is an inconvenience.
Attorney, thanks for posting this about Capital Gains Tax, there is absolutely none in Argentina when you sell your property.
You do have to pay 30 percent tax on all your rental income as a foreigner . Residents pay 10 percent ,
Re. the assumed rental tax, has anyone not renting out their property had to pay this when they went to sell? I want to spend 3 months a year abroad but I can't afford to leave my place if it means paying tax on the absent time... any ideas how the amount is calculated?