Hi all,
May as well jump in here and introduce myself
John is the name - British / Australian and I have taught English / ESL in places like Japan, Thailand, Qatar, UAE, Scotland, etc...
I'm a Perth boy (Australia) but have been working outside the teaching / education field for several years now and I have the urge to get back into it...
I also have the urge to make a 'sea change' if you will - but instead of moving to the sea I think I'll change country instead
I have always wanted to live in Buenos Aires - the place has always fascinated me...
Well - this year I am thinking I will take the bull by the horns and go for it
So - thats why I am here - and will be grateful if anyone out there has tips, suggestions, contacts, ideas and so
Good to be here and many thanks in advance
May as well jump in here and introduce myself
John is the name - British / Australian and I have taught English / ESL in places like Japan, Thailand, Qatar, UAE, Scotland, etc...
I'm a Perth boy (Australia) but have been working outside the teaching / education field for several years now and I have the urge to get back into it...
I also have the urge to make a 'sea change' if you will - but instead of moving to the sea I think I'll change country instead
Well - this year I am thinking I will take the bull by the horns and go for it
So - thats why I am here - and will be grateful if anyone out there has tips, suggestions, contacts, ideas and so
Good to be here and many thanks in advance