Salary Guide


Apr 25, 2013
Hi - I am just trying to do some research into salaries in Argentina. In NZ we have a company that has a comprehensive salary guide for all types of roles. Unfortunately I can't find something similar for Argentina - I can find a site that tells me what the average salary is but I would like a bit more specific information in line with my role type. Does anyone know where I can research this information?

Try searching for your role type in the relevant industry sector on zonajobs or bumeran.
Hey fellow Kiwi! I struggled to find the same thing, being used to Hudson's salary report (among others). I did all the googling and found nothing.

Zonajobs or Bumeran can help, but I found in my area that not many listed a salary or salary range. It was more like 'list salary range when you apply'. I found out more from talking to my boyfriend's friends, and friends of friends (I am lucky that my bf is from here). What industry and role are looking at? Maybe people here can help?

Good luck x
There is a local site:

You have to reference 2013 salaries and ignore the rest. Maybe 2012 but increase by a min of 20% , remember you are benchmarking against abnormally high inflation.

Post up your profession & experience. Maybe someone can be more specific.
Hay Group used to carry out wages surveys. Not sure they still do and/or if the information is available to the general public.