savage freedom

having the freedom to express yourself is a right that everyone deserves in a democratic society
Having the freedom to smoke in public restaurant or bar drive in a careless fashion chuck rubbish on the footpaths is imposing your free will on the safety on others.
Unfortunately controls are needed to create a healthy respectful society
WOW! I quit smoking 24 years ago, but I hevae never told anyone they shouldn't smoke in front of me. In fact, it often smells GOOD...AND I am NOT convinced (not that MY opinion matters THAT SECOND HAND SMOKE IS BAD). lighten up (NO PUN INTENEDED).

NOW!..about theVISA...I just spent a couple thousand dollars (mostly in the US) to get a visa rentista.....because of NATIONALISM.... so what??? was much easier for me as a citizen of the US to get a visa to live here than the opposite...

BOTTOM LINE: Comply with the regs and don't worry!
you are living right in the middle of the jungle. :)
The things you describe you dont´like are the reasons why many people live in other places of Buenos Aires (the suburbs, in country houses or barrio cerrados where they have the green lawns, no garbage, piece and quiet, rules and such) or in areas where they have less traffic and more green (closer to Palermo, Nuñez.... etc...) I don´t know if my comment helps....
The "jungle" to some could be an "oasis" to others. It's a matter of perception....where you came from, what activities you enjoy, etc., etc.
yeah, if you grew up in a country that allowed (contrary to existing laws) any busses to blacken the streets with pollution, commercial vehicles to do whatever they want as long as they pay their bribes, garbage everywhere, vehicles that roar like airplanes and can shake a building and black rivers oozing through the city, then yeah, i guess a jungle would be an oasis.
hahahaha jg that so true. Things i dont like in buenos aires are the following
People who think its normal to be completely unreliable
People who think that being crafty is a great characteristic
People who think that dogs are better than people and afford them much much more rights.
People who pretend to work in Tourism so they can grab the all mighty foreign currency preferably euros pounds and dollars
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