Say You'll Blow Up Half The City And You'll Get A Slap!

No argument there. Just not sure prison would be a good remedy.
Perhaps yes - but I don't see it as open and shut.

Often prison is a criminal "university" where the inmates learn new crooked skills for when they get out. At least not how they do it in the west. I've seen documentaries of Russian prisons and they are really segregated, and controlled by comparison. The prisons here, as bad as they are, are still too open to social systems that would amplify an inmates repertoire.
The point of punishment in this case would be a deterrent.

Don't joke about this.

Punishment yes, but something that is going to send a firm message else we'll be seeing a lot more of these. So far all anyone gets for even heinous armed crimes is a slap on the wrist and quick release.
I did not follow this case beyond the initial headlines. I suppose it would depend how far along they were. Did they actually have a plan, were they looking to source materials, scouting locations etc.? If so, they should go to prison. I presume this was not the situation and instead they were a couple of losers trying to say something edgy and got found out.

If the latter is true, then I think two days where they were roundly shit on is enough. What would the term be in prison, a few months at the most? People in prisons for minor crimes tend to big up what they did because it is all about status. That bragging turns into being brought into criminal circles within the prison and then a spiral towards career criminal begins. I have seen this happen with people I know, admittedly I have also seen people go in and come out the other side by keeping their head down and just getting through it.

Prison is a fantastic punishment in the right case, but it should not be the be all and end all in a justice system.
I want to believe that these young guys were set free to see where they go after this and who they talk to..... for people of some ''age'' as myself, this kind of thing , brings back some memories of a not so far away past, where montoneros or erp would come out with a message about their future terror activities.... and later we would see kidnapins and, being that, every time peronists are not in power, they find a way to create some sort of chaos and confussion, i can't dismiss the theory of a '' dry run'' to test reaction times from the gov, and get an idea of how supportive the general population would be in case of a subversive attack on the gov........but then again i haven't taken my pills yet ;)