Scarey exciting thing happened to me today


Aug 24, 2011
I was visiting an apartment building in almagro, I opened the front door and turned around to close it when i saw this fast moving flash. A guy sprinted from nowhere trying to get me before i closed the door, luckily I beat him by a split second

He was about 20 and looked like a total street living thief, tatoos all over, weird hair, clothes unwashed for weeks

The door is glass, so I stayed to observe and he started telling me he lived in the building, he forgot his keys, just let me in. I gave some smartass answers and he started getting mad and screaming. So, I thought I should leave, i took a step back towards the elevator..but then..... :eek:

When I moved back from the door I saw that in the confusion I hadn't actually shut it, the handle hadn't clicked. omg :eek: The look of horror on my face told the thief something was up, he looked down and realised too the door was open.

He slammed into it from one side, and me from the other. As we are both pushing he yelled something, and I see another guy sprinting towards the door. BUT.. when he yelled.. he also slightly moved his shoulder off, like motioning for his partner to gtf over here. With my life flashing before my eyes and superhuman strength this was the advantage I needed to ram it shut once and for all.

Here is the crazy thing --

I wear things forever until they fall apart. My last shoes were 2 years old and the bottoms were completely smoothed over, I just slid down the street like an ice skater. BUT, last friday, I passed a shoe shop.. and for some holy reason I just had to buy new shoes, I just felt this force inside of me pushing me to buy new shoes. And if it weren't for my new shoes with their awesome grip, I never could have held the door
Actually they are over-priced nikes from calle florida. After using the same shoes for 2 years my feet had molded to their shape and the new shoes cut into my feet and made one of my toes bleed. I have been cursing them ever since i bought them

needless to say i am now 100 % converted to their greatness, like a religious fanatic church worshipping their lord, i just wish there was some way i could thank them
Yeah, thinking about it now, if a thief sticks a knife or a gun to you while your front door is open, what choice do you have but let them into your ap while they take everything. I have been worried about getting robbed in the street but it seems entering the building is the most dangerous time
MichaelG said:
needless to say i am now 100 % converted to their greatness, like a religious fanatic church worshipping their lord, i just wish there was some way i could thank them

Just keep a strong SOUL:D
RobinsonGO said:
Just keep a strong SOUL:D


Yeah i'll probably get new shoes every month now. So in a way they have consigned themselves to the trashcan already. Life is cruel
You're very lucky you were able to shut the door in time. Many years ago in Recoleta visiting a friend a man shoved me into the building and robbed me in the elevator and ran.

I want to warn everybody about some kids that are gang members hanging out in Recoleta. The other night after leaving the movie theatre I was looking for a taxi. I saw four young boys around the ages of fourteen and one of them started to follow me. Luckily I carry pepper spray in my hand. I turned around and he came at me and I sprayed him until half the container was empty. Unfortunately a breeze caused me to get sprayed as well. I was very lucky that a taxi stopped, grabbed me and threw me into his cab. He was very nice and took me to a gas station and to the bathroom so that I could wash my eyes out. I spent the rest of the night washing my face and hands in soap, water and milk. Pepper spray is very effective as a weapon and I've used it twice in Buenos Aires. Getting back to my original point, I found out that another woman was robbed by the same boys in the same location only a few weeks earlier, but he had a knife on him. There aren't many police in Recoleta at night so I hope everyone keeps alert in that area until the gang moves on to some other neighborhood.
nlaruccia said:
You're very lucky you were able to shut the door in time. Many years ago in Recoleta visiting a friend a man shoved me into the building and robbed me in the elevator and ran.

I want to warn everybody about some kids that are gang members hanging out in Recoleta. The other night after leaving the movie theatre I was looking for a taxi. I saw four young boys around the ages of fourteen and one of them started to follow me. Luckily I carry pepper spray in my hand. I turned around and he came at me and I sprayed him until half the container was empty. Unfortunately a breeze caused me to get sprayed as well. I was very lucky that a taxi stopped, grabbed me and threw me into his cab. He was very nice and took me to a gas station and to the bathroom so that I could wash my eyes out. I spent the rest of the night washing my face and hands in soap, water and milk. Pepper spray is very effective as a weapon and I've used it twice in Buenos Aires. Getting back to my original point, I found out that another woman was robbed by the same boys in the same location only a few weeks earlier, but he had a knife on him. There aren't many police in Recoleta at night so I hope everyone keeps alert in that area until the gang moves on to some other neighborhood.

Theres a lot more than 4 kids in Recoleta looking to cause trouble. Its not going to go away.
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