Schools for children with ADHD?


Apr 5, 2019
My Argentine husband and I are moving to Buenos Aires this September with our 11-year-old son. I've begun the process of looking for a bilingual school for him. He has ADHD, inattentive type. He attends a private elementary school here and generally does well, but his teachers are aware of his ADHD and have provided modifications for him, such as breaking his assignments down in steps, providing prompts to get him started, and re-directing him when his attention lags. Does anyone know of any schools in Buenos Aires that are attuned to learning disabilities, particularly ADHD, and willing to provide modifications? We will initially be living with my husband's parents in Olivos. Thanks in advance for any information.
It is going to be a challenging situation in Argentina. I suggest you ask your husband to to research about integracion escolar en Argentina, integracion discapacidad escuelas Buenos Aires. I could go in detail about this, but I do not want to discourage you. I suggest you look for FB groups of parents with children with the same condition, to learn about how the system works, your options, etc.

Special schools here are for children with severe problems that don't allow then to go to regular schools. In general a child with ADD will attend a regular school with a special project and a special aid ( a teacher that adapts contents, etc ). They cannot have more than one child with a teaching aide per class, so finding a school will be challenging. Many schools will discriminate and will give you excuses.

To get the special teaching aide allowed into any school you will need the disability certficate and either insurance ( obra social ) or pay out of pocket. Getting private insurance could be challenging too.

Public schools must enroll him no matter what. They system here is what they call " Inclusive ".

Hope this helps some.
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If your son does not have big learning problems, it might be best to not disclose the ADD. I can recommend you a couple of schools, just PM me.