Selling a car - coownership question


Jul 20, 2010
Bit of a long shot asking here but here goes. My wife and I are coowners of a car purchased here in argentina. I will be leaving the country for a year and in that time there is a good chance that my wife will need to sell the car, something that she cannot do without my signature. So, the question is how do I legally remove myself from coownership of the car? I have something about a 08 but I am not entirely sure if that is correct. Any ideas??
A vehicle with multiple names on the permit is considered jointly owned. Registration cannot be transferred without the signatures of all owners listed on the permit.
The buyer should receive a signed bill of sale from the seller and notify the ministry within six days of purchasing the vehicle.
The seller also has the option of notifying the MTO, either in writing or by going to their local licensing office. A "sold status" will then be placed on the vehicle record.
Go to the Registro Automotor office (RNPA) that your car belongs to, get your 08 signed (without filling buyer's side) and certify signatures there.

Your 08 is only valid for a month, but you can pay a AR$ 30 fine if it exceeds that time period.

That way, whenever she needs to sell, all you have to do, is fill in the buyer's side and get the buyer's signature certified.

For all other forms I am pretty sure she can do everything on her own. But just in case, ask when you go to the Registro.

Good luck!
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