Sepp Blatter Resigns As Fifa President.

Blatter shouldve gone years ago. How anyone can be at the helm of an organisation and sit back and watch as thousands of migrant works die constructing stadiums for the FIFA world cup (Qatar) is beyond belief.
I`m sure he`ll be happy in his ignorance on his private yacht parked in monaco about what FIFA has done to the modern game.
This is great,it says Ajoknoblauch has replied but its hidden, its the internet equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and going La La La La i can`t hear you.
This is great,it says Ajoknoblauch has replied but its hidden, its the internet equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and going La La La La i can`t hear you.

Clearly, soccer fans prefer not to hear the truth about their obsession.
the mentor of the Boca Barras is whoever pays them the most like most things in this country.

the Independiente barras respond to Moyano, the Chacarita barras to Barrionuevo, the Quilmes to Anibal, Tigre to Massa and Boca to Macri. Never the Bocas barra grew that much than when Macri was president of Boca. They multiplied their bussiness. And todays Boca president is macrista.