Shipping by Boat


May 16, 2011

I want to ship a few things back to the US. Mostly books (roughly 20) and some shoes and clothes. I've read lots of threads here. I'll try to find someone to bring these things back for me since it seems shipping is a universal hassle here. That said, these items can arrive in the US anytime in the 9 months.... (really). Seems as though shipping by boat would be ideal. Has anyone had success shipping this way? None of these items are delicate. All I care about is they get to the US. Anyone have any info? Thanks!
why not just use normal Argentine post? Not guaranteed I guess, but I have had fewer problems sending then receiving parcels
I can't find any section for surface mail on the Correo Argentino site so I think your choices are to use air parcel post or one of the well known carriers. The shipping industry isn't geared up to accepting 10kg parcels from guys who turn up at the docks so the costs of using an agent and trying to send it by boat will be horrendous.
Sorry but are you serious? You want to spend lots of dollars to ship used books and clothing? It will almost certainly be cheaper to leave these items behind and replace them once back in the states versus the cost of shipping.
Thanks elhombresinnombre. I imagined that would be the case. I guess if there ever was a time when what I'm looking for existed it's long gone?

Gouchebob: It's not just a money thing. Some of the books I'd be hard pressed to find in the states, plus I'm not planning to ship my dirty underwear... And I mostly asked because these things could potentially arrive many many months from now..
Why not just pay the extra luggage fee? It will be cheaper and quicker. Shipping by boat really isn't viable with such a small amount of stuff.
You're right citygirl, it's not viable. I am not flying back to the States - otherwise I would just do what you said. My last option is to search for some kind of media mail rate like they have in the US. Otherwise someone's going to end up with dozens of Art books in english...
You could always find someone who is going back and pay them to bring your stuff and then ship it to your home address (did I mention I´m going back for a visit in aug)?? :)