Shiseido One Time Mule


Nov 6, 2007
Miss some top notch make up and creams?
I'll be going to Buenos Aires from Paris before December and would like to take something valuable with me (not iphones - reason I post this in this sub-section)

For one time only I'll take whatever you'd like from glamorous Paris, France.
Make up and beauty products of your choosing, or whatever small items you might like.

In exchange I don't want money but herbal tea or a reliable hook up for herbal tea.
I really enjoy herbal tea, but I am not into the herbal tea scene: this makes me find good/passable herbal tea in Argentina quiet difficult / expensive and time consuming.

No, this is not a joke (despite my usually trolling posts), It would actually be very helpful.
There are many very nice feminine things to be found in Paris, and let's be honest, it's not so far fetched or looked down at, to enjoy some herbal tea - so I expect this be a plausible exchange.

I don't need any products, but perhaps I can help you in your search for herbal teas. This place gets rave reviews from all the people we know who have been there. They specialize in exotic teas and tea blends. If they don't sell herbal teas, they will surely know who does.
Thank you redbeanz.
Im looking for higher quality non caffeinated tea though.
A lady who might enjoy and could afford some truly good skin care products might be able to help my search through some tangential acquintance.
Thank you anyway.
When you get here you might try Paul's on Gorriti. They have a tea shop in the store with many, many teas.

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