Shitty Experience With Exchange4Free

Finally got a chance to check out .... Their rates are 3% more expensive than X4F rates.
X4F turn around time is back to normal ... (more or less 24 hours).
(I think it was a single case of: .... I got unlucky with one argumentative representative.)

I will stick with X4F.
Is it still possible to transfer cad to ars using X4free? The website does not allow me to quote the transfer.
Here we go again !

Seems that X4F is at odds with “MoreArgentina”, so they swithed me and instructed me to pick up my funds from another Payout partener “Jet Peru Int`l”. (X4F keeps blaming “More”, … but I really think the problem is one argumentative representative at X4F)

Went to pick up from “Jet Peru”, ..... but they told me that they have no transactions for me.

Never a dull day with X4F !!!!!!!!!!!!
I know your pain. Will never use them again. One to put in the 'Argh-gentina Experience!' folder.
X4F`s argumentative representative keeps blaming his Payout partners in Argentina and switched payout agent from “”More” to “JetPeru”.
After a long week and 10's of emails and phone calls, my funds appeared at yet a totally different 3rd agent “MultiEnvios” ... say what?.
He insists that I should be calling "JetPeru".
But wait ... they arrived $729.30 short of my booking amount. Now he is going to investigate !!!!!
It`s never his fault !!!
He could not even understand that, payout partners are integral part of X4F business as a whole, their problems are X4F problems.

When he replies to an email history containing 9 emails, it suddenly becomes 4 email.
He`s done this several times.

Mishaps are normal and can be fixed, ... What gets me, is his brazen attitude !!!!!