Macri was awfully close-mouthed about the conversation in Olivos at the time, I remember. Basically the only thing he said was that it wasn't worth the effort. In a way, what was reported yesterday makes sense now, but in another way - I can't believe she would have actually asked for immunity for her and her people simply because I find it hard to believe she would think Macri would entertain doing so, for at least a couple of reasons against this that I can think of right off the top of my head, whether he's corrupt or not.
What blows me away about all of this, and I mean politics in general at this point, and as I'm reading comments from some people in other places, is how people think that somehow businesses and rich people are the only ones to blame related to all the problems of the world. As if people like Macri must be corrupt simply because they have money and people like Cristina must be saints because they used to fight for equal rights and claim they are for the "little" people. People will even give folk like Cristina a pass on so many things and then tear people like Macri up because he isn't perfect and doesn't necessarily like to give handouts to the "poor" (in quotes because many times, though I know not all, the "poor" who are benefiting from the misplaced desire to simply give things to poor folks are people who simply don't want to work and are looking for a way to get by without doing so) and is faced with a pretty serious crisis left behind by someone else.
But again, that's the problem I have with government to begin with. Too easy for one group of people (whether they are rich or "common") to get control of the machinery of state and make life miserable for the rest. While half the people are happy the other half are miserable. And the half that's happy always upholds their "accomplishments" as "proof" that they have "accomplished something" - and half the people believe them while the other half curse them.
But whaddya gonna do?