Signos On Trece


Mar 27, 2014
Has anyone been watching this? I find it to be the biggest load of old nonsense I have seen in sometime. Is this supposed to represent the best of TV in this country? No wonder America is pushing Breaking Bad so much.
Best TV in the country is Amigos.[sup]1[/sup] 80x better than Breaking Bad.[sup]2[/sup]


1. http://www.pakapaka....nisitios/125966
2. I've never seen Breaking Bad or Signos or whatever. But still, Amigos is totally rad.

pfff... that's funny. pakka pakka and zamba in particular is the only 'kid' show that i added to the BLOCK list for Youtube searches my daughter can do.​
Have you ever seen Amigos? What could you possibly object to in that show? (btw, I agree Zamba is horrible)
Have you ever seen Amigos? What could you possibly object to in that show? (btw, I agree Zamba is horrible)

So far I have not; the decision to block zamba came when I hear/see the context of what is being transmitted to the children. I am involved in what she is exposed to. If she wants to start watching amigos, she may... but I will be vigilant in what is being transmitted there too. So far she has not asked so i have no reason to block it, but based on past experience with these productions, i keep an eye on these kinds of things.
Zamba is such a cynical idiotic creation. Its like something from the cold war. Its basically a tool to brainwash young children. It went right over the creators heads that zamba who looks like an indigenous peasant child (no offence meant) is glorifying the formation of the nation of argentina by white europeans. I hope one day to catch the story of the conquest of the dessert.
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