Sixty days?

Well all jokes aside, it could a number of things. This country changes rules and regulations every single day, 60 days sounds like a lifetime away.
Oh and a comment such as this by a government minister in most other democracies, would result in his/her resignation.
Or at the very least a push in the wrong direction.
Yes, true. But then those would be normal democracies, not the Argentine version of it.
Hmm, it might have to do with the trade dispute between Argentina and the US (also EU, Japan and Mexico have filed suits against Argentina).

Argentine claims that the US is being unfairly "protectionist" against Argentina. That is what they told the WTO.

Now, I am sure that Argentina was bluffing when they raised this suit because everyone in the world knows that Argentina is ACTUALLY being protectionist.

Anyway the US and Argentina had 60 days (from August 30th) to sort this out amongst themselves before the WTO takes it up. The US, EU, Japan and Mexico don't seem to be backing off and that might have gotten Moreno's little panties in a twist because it won't be hard to prove the protectionist practices of Argentina that are against the regulations set out by the WTO.

Does that make any sense? It would get Moreno under fire pretty quickly.
there are indeed 'rumors' that before the end of the year Argentina will be without dollars and there will be a devaluation...

(for what its worth)
Gringoboy said:
Oh and a comment such as this by a government minister in most other democracies, would result in his/her resignation.
Or at the very least a push in the wrong direction.

LOL well if that were the case here Anibal Fernandez would have been out the door a long time ago! He and Moreno together say some of the most incredulous things to come out of politician's mouths -- absolutely no filters on either of them!

Our neighbour has a small company that imports and sells fishing gear from abroad. So he was at a meeting with Moreno a few weeks ago for small empresarios (PyMES). The head of Lave-Rap was there, a man in his 60s supposedly. Ricardo said he complained that he was having a hard time getting any parts for his current machines and that he couldn't buy new ones that were of decent quality if he couldn't get foreign machines. Moreno told him "Callate la boca viejo, vos estas a poco tiempo de jubilarse, entonces que me importa si tenes problemas?" Nice.
katti said:
there are indeed 'rumors' that before the end of the year Argentina will be without dollars and there will be a devaluation...

(for what its worth)

Well even the govt says 5.10 official for end of year, but it'll probably be more like 7, and I'm sure they'll be pesofying everyone's dollars accounts by then. Most people who are smart have already withdrawn their dollars though and have them stored elsewhere...