Its quite late as I type this and yet still cars go by so loud (from no muffler) that it almost sounds like they will explode in the street. the wooden floor vibrates, the window panes shakes. This is my 4th building in Buenos Aires and the exploding sound of the cars and the airplane engine high pitched screeching of the belching busses no longer surprises me, yet wakes me up and keeps me harried.
Is anyone out there getting a good nights sleep and what is the secret? The noise from one car or bus, an individual vehicle, is enough to blow you out of bed at any hour. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BOOOOM bang, ROAR! Welcome to Buenos Aires.
Is anyone out there getting a good nights sleep and what is the secret? The noise from one car or bus, an individual vehicle, is enough to blow you out of bed at any hour. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BOOOOM bang, ROAR! Welcome to Buenos Aires.