I'd like to explore a part of the smoking ban with your reaction to thisPlease note: I don't intend to do this nor do I think it likely anyone else will considering that enforcement of the ban could well flag and/or be reformed. Furthermore, it may not be legal under the law.)Imagine that an enterprising local or expat should buy a nice corner cafe and take it "private" along the lines of drinking establishments in the US states of Utah and/or Mississippi.If you are unfamiliar with those establishments, they would often exact a "membership fee" at the door and sometimes not even sell alcohol (they would often extract exorbitant fees for glasses of ice and such while "permitting" patrons to bring their own bottle.)The smoking correllary would be easy to effect here along the lines of the above or even something similar to those restaurants "de puertas cerradas" that have become quite fashionable.Throw in a good barman, good coffee, and some light-meals/heavy-appetizers and you have something that has a chance of viability at least on the face of it.My question to those that support the ban is: would you oppose this?Why? Why not?