Smoking Ban...what would you say to this?



I'd like to explore a part of the smoking ban with your reaction to this:(Please note: I don't intend to do this nor do I think it likely anyone else will considering that enforcement of the ban could well flag and/or be reformed. Furthermore, it may not be legal under the law.)Imagine that an enterprising local or expat should buy a nice corner cafe and take it "private" along the lines of drinking establishments in the US states of Utah and/or Mississippi.If you are unfamiliar with those establishments, they would often exact a "membership fee" at the door and sometimes not even sell alcohol (they would often extract exorbitant fees for glasses of ice and such while "permitting" patrons to bring their own bottle.)The smoking correllary would be easy to effect here along the lines of the above or even something similar to those restaurants "de puertas cerradas" that have become quite fashionable.Throw in a good barman, good coffee, and some light-meals/heavy-appetizers and you have something that has a chance of viability at least on the face of it.My question to those that support the ban is: would you oppose this?Why? Why not?
I don´t think there is anything bad about it, a sign at each place that allows or forbids smoking should be enough though.
I always wonder why if cigarretes cause cancer, etc, governments just don´t ban the companies that manufacture them, just like the FDA does, etc. Maybe because the money they mke out of the taxes is big enough to let them do it?
Most of the people I know smoke, except for a few, and I have a cigarrete occasionally.
I think if adults can decide wether to smoke or not, it is should be up to each restaurant, bar and coffee place to allow it or not, now if smoking is allowed, kids shouldn´t be at such places because they cannot choose for themselves.
Have you noticed that you can smoke at any slots machines place and Casinos? The taxes again?V
"maskow" said:
nikad, do you support the current ban in buenos aires?
No, not the way it has been implemented at least: businesses should have the right to choose wether they allow smokers or not and it should be clearly stated at the entrance, and people should have the right to choose and many options available.V
If restaurant and cafe owners could do anything they wanted, they would not opt for smoke free establishments. The only way to protect the public is through legislation. The smoking ban was a bold, progressive move by the city legislature and it is working! The fact is that the majority of Portenos do NOT smoke and have a right to breathe smoke-free air. Like it or not, smokers are now on the defensive - and that´s as it should be.
I googled..."fumar club privado"...under paginas de is a sample of what came up. Sorry, the info is in Spanish but can be translated online.
Cordoba - Two articles about a private club, "Club del Humo" - from the Clarin article........
"La ley especifica que las tabaquerías y casas de fumadores están exentas de la norma"Finally, this is from a weblog in Clarin. What I found interesting are the reader opinions to this weblog.....
Im just back from a few days in Uruguay. Not only did i never see anyone smoking inside a bar or restaurant, i saw so few smoking outside. Although i dont live there and am just a visitor, it seems that they smoke alot less than the argentines, but then i cant think of anyone who smokes like they do, never stopping from the age of 12, one after the other, all day long.
i asked the waiter in the restaurant i always eat at in uruguay, how the ban went over the winter, thinking that maybe there was some resistance. he just looked at me and said, "oh NO, they are used to it". no problems at all. the ban is less than a year old there and seems to have worked tremendously by protecting the health of the general population.
when i think of the hours and hours my nephews spent in that tiny internet cafe they like, all that second smoke they breathed, week after week. I have an article published about a year ago and arg. govt. officials cite the health stats. and the cost to the govt. etc. of 2nd handsmoke related illnesses. Ill post it sometime when i remember to bring it.
now a bar is for drinking, a restaurant is for eating, an ciber is for internet. When i think of all the 2nd hand exposure ive been subjected to living here in argentina (not to mention the black clouds of pollution coming out of the trucks and busses), i wonder how many days ive taken off of my life by being here.
The new law seems to be working very well in uruguay and with luck, a year from now we will be able to say the same about BA.
Imho, just like a restaurant chooses a menu, they should be able to choose who they want to admit to their place and state it very clearly. Kids shouldn't be allowed at places where you can smoke. I don't see anything progressive about this ban: if smoking damages your health then the manufacturing should be banned! And also all places should be inspected and show proof of where they buy their vegies, meats, etc, since only 25% of the markets inspect their food for chemicals that cause cancer... Law is meant to be equal. The ban is a big lie, because the government keep smaking money off the people that smoke and get cancer!!! Stop lying to yourself and others.
This type of law allows the addict to continue harming their own health, its true. There certainly is no debate, no question of the harm presented by smoking tobacco.
The "progressive" part of this type of law, is that it now, and long overdue IMHO, prevents the smoker from also putting others people health at risk for cancer and heart disease and other smoking related illnesses. The survival rate for lung cancer is crushingly slight.
Ive been at risk for years and years,now im not. Whether these laws go far enough and should ban the public use of tobacco is a whole other issue. This law is protecting my health while still permitting the smoker to jeopardize his alone.
Then why producing marihuana and cocaine and other substances is illegal? Because the government doesn't collect taxes! And why not forbid fertilizers, and farmers that use them? I do not believe there is anything progressive, I would rather say it is convenient for certain interests ( my government is taking care of me ) When you have to solve a problem you go to the source, not the consequence imho
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