Some unpleasant arithmetic: Let's go liberty

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31 August 2023
Final scrutiny results: Milei fell below 30%, Massa and Bullrich are close....The ultraliberal finally obtained 29.8% of the votes and fell below the threshold of 30% that he had exceeded in the provisional scrutiny. JuntosXCambio gathered 28% and Union por la Patria obtained 27.2%....
The National Electoral Chamber already has the results of the final scrutiny of the PASO that were held on August 13. According to reports, the numbers showed some differences with respect to the provisional scrutiny: the main data was that the ultra-libertarian Javier Milei fell below the threshold of 30% of the votes. Thus, there is a margin of less than 3% between the three main forces....
It was interesting to see how, as the count proceeded and results were arriving from more remote places, like the far corners of Buenos Aires province, Milei's share kept falling. I think his share was reduced by about 5% as the night wore on, and that at least gives us one demographic trend, more remote people who perhaps depend more on state support to make a living - they need rural public transport, free public education, subsidized water, gas, and electricity, all of which need to be piped and wired for long, uneconomic distances, and all of which are obviously close to Milei's heart - tended not to vote for him. Maybe not all Argentinian turkeys vote for Christmas. Still wondering how women voted, though.
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31 August 2023
Are Milei's proposals viable? From dollarization to vouchers, experts analyze the libertarian plan....the truth is that Milei pushes for a very specific and defined government program. But how possible and desirable are these reforms? LA NACION spoke with specialists in different areas to understand the viability of the libertarian plan....
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1 September 2023....Text by María del Pilar Castillo and Ilaria Landini
The experiences of Panama, Ecuador and El Salvador. What lessons are left by countries that dollarized their economy?....
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31 August 2023
Carlos Melconian, after being presented as Patricia Bullrich's eventual minister, refuted Javier Milei's dollarization plan.
The economist, who is a member of the Fundacion Mediterranea, explained how he would apply bimonetarism and delved into his main projects.
In addition, he highlighted the figure of Patricia Bullrich and told why he decided to accompany her. He was presented this Thursday as her
eventual Economy Minister before more than a thousand businessmen....

....“Patricia was the one who was interested and pursued him. In subjective matters, I have seen many politicians in Argentina for many years and suddenly they have learned to capture "la pasta" of a leader that one must have when focusing on some of the issues that you are looking at," said the economist in dialogue with Jonatan Viale for LN+, who also highlighted the work team within the coalition. "If I were alone, I would run home", he added....