Hi there,
I just saw your message in the forum.
Are you speech therapist or audiologist? Or is it the same thing?
I have an almost 8 year old daughter who needs a few sessions something to do with tongue placement and teeth, referred by her orthodontist...do you deal with that? She speaks both Spanish and English so either language should work I assume.
I also have a 2 year old son that we suspect to suffer some degree of hear loss.
We just started investigating this week and after an audiometry That was inconclusive we had the middle ear acoustic emissions test done and it showed no response.
We were sent to do another study in sleep BAER i believe is the name, done under natural sleep.
I have 2 appointments for this test one in 2 weeks and one on this Wednesday.
Once we get some results we will know how to proceed.
Do you specialize in children? Do you know anyone here who does and maybe specializes in children with hearing disabilities?
Right now he has almost no communications skills gestures, imitations and speaking are all nonexistant.
He wont point at anything and can not recognize when asked any fruit name nor body part.
We are also a trilingual house but still...
Let me know if you can help in any way....
Thank you,