Stand by for little Xtina's next stupid move.


Mar 21, 2007
Argentine judge finds no crime in US cargo dispute
Associated Press
2011-03-11 06:29 AM

A judge says Americans committed no crimes when a U.S. military team flew in undeclared cargo after being invited to provide training to Argentine federal police.
Argentine Judge Marcelo Aguinsky has formally closed the case, saying discrepancies between the actual cargo and the plane's manifest were nothing that customs agents couldn't handle, the court system announced on its website Thursday.
Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman tried to make a federal case out of the undeclared cargo, leading a multi-agency raid on the U.S. plane.
Personally overruling the objections of U.S. diplomats, he ordered the lock broken on a suitcase carrying classified material. Agents found that only one of three communications devices was listed on a manifest prepared weeks before the training course.
Agents also found that medicine inside a kit wasn't itemized, some serial numbers on machine gun equipment didn't match, and some stretchers, plastic tables and bandages brought in for the crisis response course had not been declared.
The seizure resulted in the course being canceled and forced the U.S. military to change secret codes that the Argentines exposed. In all, the incident cost U.S. taxpayers more than $1 million, officials said.
Timerman said further action would be up to the judge. Now that Aguinsky has closed the case without a criminal charge, the Argentine presidency must decide whether to give the cargo back.

Her next move should be to try the same stunt the US did and see how quickly she lands in Guantánamo.
EdRooney said:
Her next move should be to try the same stunt the US did and see how quickly she lands in Guantánamo.
This entire mess was was a distraction created by her fools. The US is capable of pulling "stunts" [and certainly has] however this was not one of those events.
Timmerman is a career diplomat, he should have known this was childish and useless.
Unfortunately in the larger scope of things to come Argentina will pay a hefty price for her childish actions.
EdRooney said:
Her next move should be to try the same stunt the US did and see how quickly she lands in Guantánamo.
And,..what stunt are you referring to? You seem unclear.
It's probably been noted elsewhere but CFK and her arrogant, childish henchmen are pissed off Obama didn't visit. And the reason he didn't visit is because the USA is not interested in doing anything that might help CFK get reelected. Such as visiting Argentina, meeting CFK and then the ensueing photo-ops. CFK is many things, but she is not sufficiently stupid to the point that she is unaware of the real reason Obama didn't put her on the schedule. And she and Tweetin' Timmerboy ain't happy about it.
I don't see how O'bama visiting CFK would boost her chances at the polls among an electorate that is stridently anti-yanqui. I do understand that was the way the press justified this affair in the US, but it just doesnt wash with Argentine history.
I read somewhere that its usual policy for the US presidents not to show up in countries with important elections in progress, so that it doesn't influence them in either positive or negative way, and it makes total sense.
(Imagine Obama coming over and meeting with people from an opposing party... She would go ballistic!)
Guillo said:
I read somewhere that its usual policy for the US presidents not to show up in countries with important elections in progress, so that it doesn't influence them in either positive or negative way, and it makes total sense.
(Imagine Obama coming over and meeting with people from an opposing party... She would go ballistic!)

And Ed, the entire argentine population is not anti-yanqui, stridently or otherwise. It is exactly that part of the population that CFK would like to persuade to vote for her. She already has most of the anti-yanqui vote. So, if Obama were to visit and say nice things (which is what you normally do if you make the visit), then CFK could ostensibly point to her "improved" relationship with the USA as a reason for some of the more business oriented folks to cast a vote for her. It ain't rocket science.
A visit by Obama would add prestige and credibility to the regime, good in an election year, simple as that.
Prestige from a regime in recession to a regime growing at 9% annually. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Johnny: I see your point, but if she's sailing towards victory with over 65% of probable votes going her way (I got those numbers from the Pro party of all sources!), why would she want to alienate the 65% to win the 35%? Who knows, you may be right because politicans are not known for being particularly bright, but it doesnt jive with the way she has behaved in the past or the rhetoric coming out of Olivos.