Stand by for little Xtina's next stupid move.

65%? Not a chance. She only got that high when the Tuerto died out of pitty. She managed to go back down to around 40 atm.

She's shooting for either a 45%, or 40% with 10% in difference to the second one. Otherwise, it means ballotage and she would loose for sure there.

You will hear a lot of "she's already won!", specially from her supporters but that's far from true.
EdRooney said:
Prestige from a regime in recession to a regime growing at 9% annually. With friends like that, who needs enemy?

Actually a regime with an overheating economy with 25-30% inflation that can't be sustained much longer.
Just to ad my 2c worth...I was watching the 678 Gov run show on ch7 & saw that they are over saturating the show with too much anti Macri gov propaganda & pro K diatribes...even a loyal K supporter would very quickly tire with the whole show....I sense desperation behind closed doors.
I don't think the K gov is as popular as they like to pretend. It is not a predictable election at all as far as I can see.

EDIT: I predict that they will shoot themselves in the foot early...too greedy.
If SHE is taking her political ques from TwitterFool then SHE is deep doo doo. This guy is well known to my extended family and was so famously stupid at the Univ that his family had to anti up and buy the degree for him. Timmermuck does not have a 3 digit IQ.