Starting a business - basic ?'s before I start going down rabbit holes

You are certainly right. In theory.
And there's the rub. "In theory." My guess is if Argentina is at all like here when it comes to anything beurocratic, there's theory, and there's practice. I'm interested in learning about both on this issue, but tend to value knowledge about how things actually work in practice more than how they're supposed to work.
You are certainly right. In theory.
This theory is well supported by the state agencies like IRS and AFIP.
Definitely, there are certain common practices based on alternative theories.
Also be aware that visa runs might not be an option for a long time. Even before the pandemic some people were having issues. So...
It was never an option, it was just lying to yourself.
I think that after this pandemic it is 100% dead because International Law recognize absolut power and discretion whith santitary messures.