State of the Union address?


Oct 25, 2005
Did anyone watch Obama's speech yesterday? A moving performance by a great orator....
Didn't see it but my Republican brother in law doesn't seem to care how eloquent Sarah Palin isn't.

Really, there is just no understanding people these days.
I think this is incisive analysis of the great man's speech, but this is merely my opinion.
My dearest BBWolf, me thinketh ..... Why bother? Obama is just the BIGGEST disappointment on earth, SUPER BIG/Horrible Leadership. So, either we vote in Trump in 2012 (he's got the China situation down at least) or it's all finito. Then again Trump might not do too well once in office. There's no one on the Repub side, no good Demo's, so I don't know.... What NEW country do you recommend for "relocation"? America's finished, no "sputnik encore" coming...... (Sarah Palin is such an idiot - she's on MSNBC right - and she believe's "WTF" (computer shorthand) means "Winning The Future" That's call a "CLUELESS ZERO" around here - WTF is going on in that tiny little brain of her's? (and that idiot McCain put her "center stage" !!! ...well, he's obviously clueless too, maybe even a bit more than Sarah). I don't know, to me it all just seems like a mystery, inside a riddle, wrapped around an enigma (or something like that - lol) NEWS FLASH !! WE'RE DOOMED WOLF !!! Build the bomb shelter ASAP.....
polostar88 said:
It was a worthless droning speech given by a puppet hack. This pathetic excuse for a president is an international embarrassment as big as Bush ever was. When he went to India, the local politicians saw what cardboard puppets the American politicians are, especially Oboma:
Do you think your opinion and that set forth in the short superficial source piece you cite is shared by the majority of Americans? of Europeans? of Asians?
STELLA53 said:
Do you think your opinion and that set forth in the short superficial source piece you cite is shared by the majority of Americans? of Europeans? of Asians?

Yes I think most Indian parliamentarians were shocked Oboma was using a teleprompter after all the hype he was some great "orator," and now is seen to be reading off index cards like a girl on high school debate team.

Since you ask about Asians, here is what Asians are saying in the Hindustan Times:

Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama. "We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact," an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
Obama is known to captivate audiences with his one-liners that sound like extempore and his deep gaze. But few in India know that the US president always carries the teleprompter with him wherever he speaks.

I know Americans have some bizarre theological belief that by voting for Obama they were defeating "racism" and that "racism causes war," or whatever you believe. Most of the rest of the world doesn't care and is not impressed. Russia and China could hardly care and probably see Obama as a weird byproduct of America's postmodern schizophrenia, and a dupe to be taken advantage of.
polostar88 said:
Most of the rest of the world doesn't care and is not impressed. Russia and China could hardly care and probably see Obama as a weird byproduct of America's postmodern schizophrenia, and a dupe to be taken advantage of.

Couldn't agree with you more. The idea that Obama is "intelligent" is confined to a small (and diminishing) segment of US liberals, who don't want to be thought "racist." Obama has been a beneficiary of affirmative action at every stage of his life. If mouthing tired and vacuous cliches and platitudes from a teleprompter constitutes oratory, Obama is a great speaker.