State Welfare Programs/Planes, that Keep Us Safe ?

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
State welfare programs: there are 182 in force and 25 million beneficiaries. On a recent A24 TV inquiry 85% believed they should be discontinued ? Is it wise/Safe ?

The State, in its role as generator of inefficiencies, is the only winner of an unsustainable economic model that forged dependency and made half of the society see subsidies, as a life style of dependency, and not as what the planes really are : creators of poverty.

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incredible. and yet, some believe more is needed.

However, some mistakenly ? believe that the Planes ,make it possible for some (of us) to peacefully enjoy the fat of the land, . Without the planes, social unrest may have become intolerable some time ago..?
perhaps, but that is only a symptom/effect of the real underlying problem(s) that never get solved. only covered up by more Planes!

there is a place for some state support, but this is way out of control.
So basically support for people who cannot provide for themselves is being extorted from people who want to live peacefully.

If you don't support us we're going to harm you?
So basically support for people who cannot provide for themselves is being extorted from people who want to live peacefully.

If you don't support us we're going to harm you?
Basically and definitely YES is a silent threat. "Increase the Planes or will set the country on Fire". It's an unstable status.