Subte Line B and the Canning / Malabia station.


Mar 20, 2014
(this one has a cool old pic of people riding the subte in 1938. The English page doesn't)

I ride this one a lot, and I have noticed that the station Malabia has an obviously older name of "Canning" embedded in the tilework.

Does anyone know the history of this? I do know that the 4 stations at the north end were added on in 2003 and 2013. To quote from the Castellano wiki page -

El 9 de agosto de 2003 fueron inauguradas dos nuevas estaciones, Tronador - Villa Ortúzar y De los Incas - Parque Chas, lo que permitió a la línea transportar más de 300 000 pasajeros por día hábil. 10 años después, se inauguraron las estaciones de Echeverría y Juan M. de Rosas, por lo cual la línea B adquiere su recorrido actual.


On August 9, 2003, two new stations were inaugurated, Tronador - Villa Ortúzar and De los Incas - Parque Chas, allowing the line to transport more than 300,000 passengers per business day. 10 years later, the Echeverría and Juan M. de Rosas stations were inaugurated, so line B acquired its current route.

But although that page mentions the dual name of Malabia/Canning it doesn't say anything about the why or when of the name change.