subte nightmare with phone

paul stanley

Jan 12, 2011
iphone stolen today on subway. want to buy one-USED. Chepaest is best.
3 G would be ideal. i moved here a few days ago. sux
You gotta be careful in subways and buses, keep and eye on your backpack, never put anything important on accessible pockets, all the important stuff should be in the pockets of your pants, specially if they close with velcro , and look at anyone who pushes you, because pushing is a tactic to steal.
That being said... I bought a chinese Iphone for my gfriend today for only $520! (pesos!) and it`s working great so far. Check in mercado libre.
yeah, welcome to buenos aires! this is a rite of passage. i guess now you know what NOT do do. sorry though.
Bep said:
You gotta be careful in subways and buses, keep and eye on your backpack, never put anything important on accessible pockets, all the important stuff should be in the pockets of your pants, specially if they close with velcro , and look at anyone who pushes you, because pushing is a tactic to steal.
That being said... I bought a chinese Iphone for my gfriend today for only $520! (pesos!) and it`s working great so far. Check in mercado libre.

I strongly recommend not to use backpacks at all.
ElChavoDel7 said:
No backpack? Are you just going to carry your laptop out in the open?!?!?!

Perhaps I went too far. Backpacks will always be an easy target for robbers. It wouldn't be easy to take a laptop out of a backpack without the owner noticing, though. Bep said never put anything important on accessible pockets and it's very good advice as it's easier to take something smaller and lighter.I prefer not to use backpacks and so far I didn't need one.
Safer than a backpack are those bags that have a strap that cross diagonally over your chest / back with the bag part staying in front of you instead of being in back. Less likely for someone to open a zipper on a bag that's right in front of you. Just my 2 cents.