I’m not an employment law expert, but I would think that a foreign national resident in Argentina acting as an employer should be able to be sued - due to the fact that he is acting as an employer in Argentina - if he has infringed any duties or obligations under Argentine employment law.
Then, there is also the question of suing under contract law for breach of contract – whether you can sue before the Argentine courts (as opposed to the courts of another country) would depend firstly on whether the contract contains a choice of jurisdiction clause (and if the choice is valid). Even if it does not have a choice of jurisdiction clause in favour of Argentine courts, the Argentine courts may hear the case if there are other links with Argentina (e.g., Argentine resident employer, the law of the contract is Argentine, the place of work/employment is Argentina, the employee is Argentine, would give strong arguments for the Argentine courts agreeing to hear the case).
I agree with French Jurist re enforcement... which brings us to the question of whether it’s worth it on the facts.
I am more than happy to put you in touch with a litigation lawyer at my firm who speaks English if you’re still looking – send me a PM.
Good luck!
Then, there is also the question of suing under contract law for breach of contract – whether you can sue before the Argentine courts (as opposed to the courts of another country) would depend firstly on whether the contract contains a choice of jurisdiction clause (and if the choice is valid). Even if it does not have a choice of jurisdiction clause in favour of Argentine courts, the Argentine courts may hear the case if there are other links with Argentina (e.g., Argentine resident employer, the law of the contract is Argentine, the place of work/employment is Argentina, the employee is Argentine, would give strong arguments for the Argentine courts agreeing to hear the case).
I agree with French Jurist re enforcement... which brings us to the question of whether it’s worth it on the facts.
I am more than happy to put you in touch with a litigation lawyer at my firm who speaks English if you’re still looking – send me a PM.
Good luck!