Sunday 5th -English and/or French Book Exchange in Palermo

Hi Matt.
There's no book exchange this weekend as it is a long weekend and some people have gone away...
We'll aim for next weekend- probably Saturday early afternoon (3pm- ish)

How does that sound?
OK All set.

Our next book exchange will take place this Saturday 25th of June from 3 pm in Palermo. Five of us have confirmed presence so far.

If anyone else is interested in joining us let us know so we can send you the address/details.

I have some books as well--wouldn't mind changing them out for something else. Maybe it should be a monthly/quarterly get together. Could grow as a FB group...
Sure I'm in unless it's an unlikely glorious Sunny Sunday. Will update this post with what I'll offer - and yep, another with my wishlist.
I've sent the details of this saturday's book exchange to all those who expressed interest.....
If there's anyone else, let me know...
