Susanne from London

Susanne from London

Apr 11, 2012

I'm hoping someone can help me! My daughter is currently staying in BA for a few days during her GAP year travels and has, to her horror!, discovered she has nits. As she travelling on her own, can anyone please recommend a salon she can go to where they will comb through and remove these pesky things!

She is besides herself and would really appreciate some suggestions. As I'm in London, it's a bit difficult as a mum not being able to help her in person!

My sincere help in advance:)
Hi Susanne,
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's problem! It is unfortunately not uncommon here. My son is at a very nice private school and I have to do a treatment at least once a semester. No one is safe. I can't recommend a salon, but any Farmacity store (they are on almost every block) will have a treatment she can use. The most recent one I bought was "NoPucid" in a red and white box. It is supposedly the latest technology :) I think it was around $50 pesos. Then you have to buy a nit comb which is about $40 pesos. Everything is usually in a special display close to the pharmacist. The bottle would be enough for 2 or 3 treatments if you have long hair--more if it is short. She should do it at least twice. It isn't hard to do on your own. Just a bit gross the first time. If a lovely English girl walks in to a salon here asking for a nit treatment they'll charge her an arm and a leg and I would doubt the overall quality of the treatment--that is if they even agreed to do it. Best of luck!
she will most likely catch more nits from the salon than from treating herself...
Hi Susanne,
Nledec is absolutely right about the nit comb. But in my experience the Nopucid kid is just too toxic and not very effective. Every night while showering, I just used to put a lot.. and I mean A LOT of conditioner with white vinegar and comb my hear. In my experience, that's the most effective way to get rid of that nasty plague
Or go the natural route and use regular, everyday, white vinegar with the nit comb starting at the roots... she'll smell like a salad for a while but it's worked on my daughter every time so far.

Even the kids who attend a proper private school get nits because the little buggers commute not only from student to student, but from playground children, friends of friends, adults who get it on their hair/cloths from others on public transport, taxis, the valets who park you car... any number of ways.
What the hell is a nit? From the context I gather they're some sort of bug,similar to head lice. Or is this british slang for crabs?
we use "nits" generally to refer to head lice but they're the eggs produced by the mature lice
PhilipDT said:
What the hell is a nit? From the context I gather they're some sort of bug,similar to head lice. Or is this british slang for crabs?
there,s a huge difference phil!!!:cool: