Taxi To Eze

This past Tuesday I paid 215. I had other friends pay around 210 as well.

Tienda Leon is notoriously overpriced, but they're a sure option. I would just snag a cab off the street and negotiate with them.

Happy Travels :)
Thank you to all for the info.

And I did not sell my computer or other electronic. Maybe that market is drying up. But that would be another thread.

For that price, you probably get something like this:


Woudn't mind the dogs. I'm more worried that this would be what I'd get

Saw this the other day on Av. de Mayo. Cannot vouch for the service, but I thought I'd throw it out there. If anyone ends up calling this number and going with them, please post re: experience.


Just spoke with them on the phone ... Final price $160 to Ezeiza all tolls included....!! 5/4/13 at 16:10 hours...
make sure, they dont have muggers standing on the road to mug you on the way.
Please forgive my tangent, but I feel bus 86 is cheaper and safer for people in certain parts of
Capital Federal. Check with the driver, though, if the bus is going to the airport. Just because
the sign in the window says "Airport" does not necessarily mean the bus will go there !
I wonder whether there´s still the bus from EZE to the Customs building in MicroCentro, for customs employess and anyone else ? It was safe and affordable.