Terrorist Attack = Cacerolazo?

The murdering of thousands of Algerians during their war for independence is a documented fact.

More like 1.5 million Algerians. And yes, the French military were kind enough to share all the torture and terror techniques they developed to terrorize the civilian population in Algeria with their Argentine counterparts, who put it to very good use.
Right 1.5 million Living in Madrid in 1967 at 25 years old and styudying at the unversity there I met many Algerians who preferred to live in Spain instead of Frabce and had no qualms about talking about those murders.Unfortunately,the French are rather slow in admitting these kinds of failures.Something similar happened with the French collaborationists and the Vichy gov't during WW!!.I am sorry for this type of tragedy to have befallen them several times.Nonetheless,the US is not the only major country to have made mistakes in the past.
The Argentine woman diplomat in Paris was Elena Holmberg .She was kidnapped and murdered on a trip home in 1978 and her body was found on the shores of the Rio Lujan ,not Rio de la Plata.