Terrorist state Israel assassinates Hamas leader in Dubai

Your post is also so full of mistakes, and I'm going out, that I'll reply later.

BUT, I couldn't let pass this misunderstanding:

Bremer's constitution was pretty much alright, but unlike Mac Arthur he did not officially, legally, uprooted the cause of the more general conflict (in Japan's case the political/religious alliance that elevated the monarch to a god). In Iraq, allowing to let religion inside the state.
Matt84 said:
Your post is also so full of mistakes, and I'm going out, that I'll reply later.

BUT, I couldn't let pass this misunderstanding:

Bremer's constitution was pretty much alright, but unlike Mac Arthur he did not officially, legally, uprooted the cause of the more general conflict (in Japan's case the political/religious alliance that elevated the monarch to a god). In Iraq, allowing to let religion inside the state.

Christ Jesus, the sophisticated level of analysis on this thread.
Here's a recent article on how the Western media works to demonise Iran and by implication, the broader moslem world. And since some of the turnip heads here appear to get all their news and analysis from Fox and CNN, it might be worth a glance:

It is almost a commonplace, at least for the real -- as opposed to the cruise-missile -- left, that the flow of information, opinion, and moral indignation in the United States adapts well to the demands of state policy. If the state is hostile to Iran, even openly trying to engage in "regime change," and if it is supportive of the state of Israel, no matter what crimes Israel may commit, and if it doesn't like the populist president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, and supports his overthrow and a follow-up "demonstration election" by the local elite, the media and many intellectuals will follow the state agenda, even if they must indulge in mental somersaults. In the case of Iran, the Israeli state and its U.S. supporters are also eager for regime change, so the somersaults on the Iran menace are wilder yet, with large injections of chutzpah.
bigbadwolf said:
Christ Jesus, the sophisticated level of analysis on this thread.

Yeah I feel like I am out of my league on this one. I'll return when we get back on topic again :)
OK, I'll spit a cup of my oil into the flame.
"The spectacular acts of Islamic terrorism in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are but the most recent manifestation of a global war - jihad- of conquest that Islam has been waging since the days of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th Century AD and that continues apace today."
Could someone provide Historical facts on such rhetory?
"The Western World will condemn it but, just as after 9/11 they'll say "they had it coming"."
Stop claiming 9/11 event as "muslim terrorism".
That event has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
"While that is part of what I meant, Israel could still defend itself with their own money, discipline, joy de vivre, and technology."
Then lets just cut freaking supply line and see if they will "defend themselves". They will be shortly off the hook as soon as US or England will disalienated from them oficially. And you know that. And thats the only thing motivates you to load some "intel" in here...

"Israel has made every effort towards peace with their neighbors."
Are you listening?
The've got into war after DECLARATION of a separate sovereign entity from WITHIN. Do you have any proven Historical facts about genocide of jews in any Arab countries BEFORE 1930?
And what was the reason to form their "own" state among (as they stated) enemies?

Matt, read this: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/
"How would you feel if Muslims succeeding in imposing their laws in your home country (whatever that may be, but extra points since you said you were European) ??"
Orwellian ask you first. Don't shift.
Nobody had ever heard of State of Israel back in ages. So why did they form their "own" country within existance of Arabic entity?
"(it is one, because without American interventionist, Europe and East Asia would be under cruel Nazi ad Jap Purist totalitarian states)."
O shit! Here we go, America saves the World again. And please, don't forget to mention "Independence Day" and "Armageddon" too...
"Should I assume that the Bombay bombings, the decades (centuries?) old conflict between Indian Muslims and "Polytheists", was also a Mossad fabrication?"
Well, u would be never able to proof otherwise.
"(in Japan's case the political/religious alliance that elevated the monarch to a god). "
Bounding a country under rule of "Imperor" is not a religious, its simply political, called "monarchy". And Japanese were thougt by European inflicters to unite their country. For what reason? Well, most of us learned that this is coming "naturally", when people get into "understanding" of the benefits of single ruler. Yeah...
Any religion, btw, is just a social racketeering, complete blindfold for human race.
I don't know what an Imperor is, maybe you mean the latin term Imperator (he who prevails) ? In Japan's case it was more akin to the Egyptian King-God than say the Swedish Monarchy.....

I'll spill my cup of water on the flame:

I think Israel/Palestine is being used as the scapegoat for all the World's problems.
bigbadwolf said:
He quickly changed his tune when he realised he didn't have a leg to stand on. And if you read his posts he's been making some pretty sweeping statements about all moslems.


Au contraire: they are not crazy. You can rightly call Saudi Arabia's rulers corrupt and craven, but they are not crazy. Repressive, yes. Needing legitimacy from Wahhabist clergy, yes. Walking a tightrope between Wahhabism and being in USA's back pocket, yes. But not crazy. With regard to Iran, I can't see any argument for calling them crazy. It's the USA + Israel out to demonise them. Ahmedinejad's statements and speeches are regularly misreported in US and British media (for example the deliberate mistranslation that he called for the annihilation of Israel).


Again, you seem to be getting your facts wrong. The implacable foe of any Arab (or Iranian) secular or nationalist movement has consistently been the USA (and before the USA, the UK and France). Against Nasser, against the Ba'athists in Iraq and Syria, against Mossadeq in Iran. One can argue that it's because of the sabotaged failure of these secular and national movements -- largely due to US interference -- that fundamentalism has got a foothold. If, for example, Mossadeq hadn't been toppled and the worthless Shah put back on his throne, there would have been no revolution in 1979. In addition, many of these fundamentalists have been nurtured by the US itself -- Osama being one prominent example.

There are simply too many errors here to correct them all. The neo-cons have been working hand-in-glove with Israeli interests (indeed many of the Americans neo-cons have been ardent Zionists themselves). The new constitution that Bremer took with him to Baghdad was a neoliberal one outlawing trade unions, allowing for full repatriation of multinational profits, and so on -- after all, the raison d'etre for invading the country was to plunder it. Islam is a red herring in all these machinations.

It's a red herring. And you seem not to understand that it is so because you have no real knowedge of the region or its history.


I see this conflation of three things frequently enough. The three things conflated are: 1) Islam has always been imperialistic and militaristic because of what happened 1400 years ago and also during the crusades, 2) The demographics of modern Europe, with lots of moslems in every West European country, and 3) supposed Islamic fundamentalism in the moslem world. The people doing this have an agenda of their own. It is disingenuous. The Islamic world has been on the receiving end since well before the decrepit Ottoman empire collapsed during WW1. The European colonial powers that had been tearing off bits and pieces of the empire -- mostly Britain and France -- were roughly elbowed aside by the upstart imperialist, the USA.

All of this is realpolitik -- of which you seem to be woefully ignorant. It has nothing to do with "liking" or "hating."

What's with all the ad hominems?

A) I'm calling the laws in Saudi Arabia crazy. A more appropriate word would be Medieval. I'm not saying at all that Medieval Europe or China was any less crazy than Saudi Arabia is Today. As for Iran, I don't believe a government that enforces brutal, despicable laws such as punishing rape victims instead of rapers, should be worthy of any respect. And I consider its population captive: at least 50% are women, aka slaves, and at least some men are atheists / gays / dissenters, aka illegal heretics: thus the majority of the population of those countries is captive.

B) Again, I'm not defending American interventionism. Fogging any discussion on the middle east with the Iraq issue is the real red herring here.

C) wow!
1) Islam is by nature imperialistic, but that's not even the issue. The issue is that Islam is the only cohesive force of the recently decolonized African and Asian countries, and it's used as their spear head. What they lack (for understandable reasons that will be corrected in time) in human development and individual freedom, they make up with righteous indignation. The European left gladly plays along providing the Cultural Relativism theory, not realizing that they are the ones being played.

2) As a consequence, Europe has reached the point where there are some things that can be said ad painted and other that will land you in jail. That's a couple of steps away from Dhimmitude.

- Supposed Islamic fundamentalism? Go tell that to the godfearing muslim goat shepherd in Argelia who weekly loses his family to Islamic fundies razing his village... Ahhhh! the irony. Ordinary muslims are the ones who suffer the worst under the yoke of the Islamic Revival.

- The Ottoman empire and their associate shafirates enslaved more Europeans than than the Atlantic Slave trade. And under worse conditions. Check the facts. Of all European colonization that took place around the World, the colonization of Northern Africa was the only one justifiable as in self-defence.
Usted escribe puestos largo pensativo, pero nunca responder a las preguntas sencillas. siempre hablando del mundo islámico y sus crímenes contra la humanidad, pero si se compara con su amada EE.UU. sus crímenes son una gota en un balde.
¿Sabes cuántas personas han perdido la vida en Irak. Afganistán, Yemen, Líbano, Palestina, todos los países diezmados por los EE.UU. y su política exterior. Su hipocresía me asombra y horroriza Matt.....