The Doll


Sep 18, 2009
I thought I'd seen everything, until this CFK doll appeared today.
Is it April already?
1). I don't mean to perpetuate stereotypes or make light of this global issue, but seriously, what do you want to bet that these dolls are going to be produced in assembly lines in factories in Asia that exploit their underpaid, overworked workers?

2). No matter how I try to squint my eyes or use my imagination (or no matter how totally intoxicated or dangerously stoned I might get), besides the hair color, that doll bares very little resemblance to Cristina! That's like taking any old Barbie doll off the shelf, labeling her box, "Britney Spears Barbie," or "Nicky Hilton Barbie," and they are just recycled molds of the same, basic doll (the kind you'd find at the back of a clearance shelf in Kmart in the States). Maybe I'm being presumptuous here, but this doll doesn't exactly scream "Collector's Item"!

3). Who the Hell in their right mind would buy a CFK doll for any amount of money? As it is, Barbie gets a lot of heat for being a bad role model for little girls. They've tried to change her with the times, so she's been a teacher, an astronaut (pink space suit, of course!), a doctor, etc. If well-meaning an informed parents are up in arms about Barbies, this doll seems like a really, REALLY bad investment!
What makes you think they will be assembled in Asia and not here, by underpaid workers too
What makes you think they will be assembled in Asia and not here, by underpaid workers too

True, perhaps a bit hasty on my part inferring, but since it mentioned that the doll will be a method of promoting her politically and comercially in Asia, and that it seems more likely that they would be able to manufacture it and also promote it in that region where it specifically intended to be marketed and sold as opposed to shipping it from abroad would probably make it much less expensive on average, meaning more people would be able to buy it... Or I might just be reading into it all too much, who knows? :p

In any case, it's doubtful that the workers' experience will be under as pleasant circumstances like working in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
I wonder if may have any "Vodoo" qualities. As if , can I stick pins in it and ckf feel it ?
What makes you think they will be assembled in Asia and not here, by underpaid workers too

There's a vast difference in pay scales between Asia and here - trust me, you want to be an "underpaid" worker in Argentina if forced to choose ;)