The party's over; time to go home


Mar 25, 2007
:mad:Yes, seems the time has come for a lot of expats. BA has reverted to being an expensive place to live. The change of tone in this website has been dramatic. Life is tough in the big city. You have to have a good reason to hang in. WHERE will you go next? And for those who stay, WHAT KIND of life do you think you'll have?
Im not planning to leave and I dont think that my life or lifestyle will change much because I stay. My home is paid for here so housing is not an issue should there be any economical fallout in the future.
I didn't move here b/c it was cheap then and I am not planning on leaving b/c it is not cheap now. I don't anticipate any huge changes in my lifestyle - I've already begun economizing and budgeting and that will continue.
Cost of living is an important consideration for many Expats, but history shows that Argentina has gone through several periods of being cheap and being expensive in just my lifetime. If you are chosing a place to live for the long term and cost of living is a major consideration, you probably should look elsewhere. I have found that even when it is expensive here, I can live well because in Buenos Aires I do not need a car, which I consider to be a liability. That saves me enough to survive higher food, entertainment, and transportation costs. I own my own apartment so although there is an increase in expenses, it is still a lot cheaper than housing costs in the U.S.A. I bought an apartment here so we could be near my wife's family, not because of the cost of living.
sergio said:
:mad:Yes, seems the time has come for a lot of expats. BA has reverted to being an expensive place to live. The change of tone in this website has been dramatic. Life is tough in the big city. You have to have a good reason to hang in. WHERE will you go next? And for those who stay, WHAT KIND of life do you think you'll have?
if you are renting then of course it,s gonna be expensive.I bought my house,car, 5 years ago and have learnt to adapt,make sacrifices in certain things,I will not be leaving to go back to an even worse UK:rolleyes:
I think you'll enjoy Colombia. What city?

The only thing that hurt my brain in Colombia was the money. Taking out a couple hundred thousand pesos at the ATM was frightening - even though it was like $250 USD. Currency calculations made my brain explode :)
Most people who "hang in" here have an Argentine partner or spouse and therefore a connection to the place. I imagine the cost of living in BA never had much to do with them staying, and won't now.

Yeah Lee, which city are you thinking of moving to? My boyfriend is Colombian and we're looking at our options. Not sure if we're ready to head to the U.S. quite yet, but we do want out of BA. He lived in Medellin for 10 years but his friends there say crime is on the rise. Nothing like it was when things were really bad, according to them, but not good. But an American female friend of a friend of mine is living there and loving it, so I don't know what to think. There are always conflicting reports! We'd probably end up in Bogota anyway, since we enjoy big capital cities.
El Duderino said:
How is Bogota compared to Buenos Aires in terms of street crime/robbery?

Good question! My boyfriend says it's worse and that he can relax more walking the streets in BA, since cartoneros and the like are not very aggressive here when asking for money whereas there they will supposedly chase you down the street (!). But he is only one person and he's never actually lived in Bogotá. An expat friend's roommate was born there, and she said she feels much safer there than in BA. But she's also incredibly wealthy, her family lives in a gated community there, etc. So she's not living the average life of a person in Bogotá.

Googled around a bit and found this:

Since it's impossible to find reliable BA crime statistics, your question is a difficult one to answer.