the struggle for democracy in Egypt

cabrera said:
Very few people would be interested in your propaganda . And the magazine you quoted American Thinker is hardly democratic with a heavy bias to the Israel lobby

I suggest that you broaden your mind if possible;)

Agreed. Even rabid Islamophobes like Daniel Pipes are not making this kind of lunatic argument.
cabrera said:
Very few people would be interested in your propaganda . And the magazine you quoted American Thinker is hardly democratic with a heavy bias to the Israel lobby

I suggest that you broaden your mind if possible;)

Yeah that's funny coming from you, when have you EVER expanded your mind???
jaredwb said:
Yeah that's funny coming from you, when have you EVER expanded your mind???

The only thing you expand is your arse.... everytime you speak:D
Anyone who is interested in Egypt really ought to be watching a news service right now...
It appears that those who warned of the probability of an Islamic sharia law government under Muslim Brotherhood leader, Morsi, were right after all. Coptic Christians, women and gays, head for the hills.