The US Police State continues to grow....

so here we go again - mandatory event data recorders in every car.

where does it end? more surveillance, more security, more centralization, more concentration of powers, more databases, more cameras, more spying, more of everything, more FEAR! the US is turning into Stasi East Germany.

A new bill (Senate Bill 1813, known as MAP-21) passed by the U.S. Senate in March calls for “mandatory event data recorders” to be installed in all new passenger motor vehicles sold in the U.S. for recording data before, during, or after a crash.

Black boxes to be required in all new cars from 2015
the IRS is and has been the attack dog/gestapo of the feds for some time now. look for them to gain and utilize even more powers as they continue to break the laws of the constitution and the bill of rights.

you gotta love the wording of some of these bills: “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” - give me a break.

In addition to authorizing appropriations for federal transportation and infrastructure programs, the “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” or “MAP-21″ includes a provision that would allow for the “revocation or denial” of a passport for anyone with “certain unpaid taxes” or “tax delinquencies”.

Owe The IRS? Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers