An official at the National Immigration Office (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones) of the Ministry of Interior (Ministerio del Interior) provided the following information in an 18 January 2008 telephone interview with the Research Directorate. A permanent resident of Argentina who has lived outside of Argentina for less than two years is allowed to re-enter the country and keep the same status without facing any hurdles (Argentina 18 Jan. 2008). If the permanent resident has lived outside Argentina for more than two years, the National Immigration Office will decide whether to strip the individual of permanent status (ibid.). According to same source at the National Immigration Office, if the person intends to re-establish himself or herself in Argentina, the permanent residency status is usually re-issued [translation] "without any problems" (ibid.). If the permanent resident is the parent of an Argentine-born child, the administrative process is still required, but acceptance was reported as [translation] "automatic" (ibid.).