Time Share Issue

He needs to read the contract, it should state how to break/cancel it. If he just stops paying he might have issues trying to visit the US. Most contracts lay out which laws apply and where any law suits must be filed.

This is totally ridiculous. Show me where the law says that you can't visit the U.S. if you have an bad debt with a private creditor. Stop spreading fear, please.
He should chill. The worst that is likely to happen is that they foreclose on his timeshare which he doesn't use anyway. They could probably file suit against him, but a $500 per annum payment doesn't sound like much of a total obligation. If they sue, they still have to get jurisdiction over him, which is going to be virtually impossible while he lives in Argentina. ICE and TSA aren't in the debt collection business and even if the timeshare people succeeded in getting a judgment the only thing they have that they can attach is the timeshare. At the current Dolar Blue rate he would save about 7,725 pesos by letting it go. A timeshare company is not going to spend the considerable amount of time and money it would take to try to obtain a money judgment. They couldn't afford to retain me to do it and I'm a cheap old bastard.
Thanks for the input. Seems most think he can safely stop paying.