Time's Person of the Year interview


Mar 21, 2009
Here’s What Else Trump Told TIME Magazine in His Person of the Year Interview
Donald Trump’s Person of the Year interview covered a wide range of subjects and issues, including January 6th, immigration, grocery prices, foreign policy, abortion, and more.

During the conversation, the president-elect did not rule out the possibility of a war with Iran, declined to say if he trusts Israel’s prime minister and notorious welfare recipient Benjamin Netanyahu, said “a vast majority of [election justice protestors] should not be in jail,” and promised to do “whatever it takes” to deport illegal immigrants.

Time published the interview’s full transcript Thursday. The magazine estimates that it takes a little under an hour to read.

Review the full version here and a summary here.
Milei should be person of the year

Also Trump and Netanyuha have been best friends forever since the 70s I thought that was common knowledge

He's 100 % correct about the Jan 6 people. BLM rioters were given immunity to loot, destroy, attack and set fire to whole city blocks and business (ironically many of them black owned business') Meanwhile any Trump voter within 10 miles of the capital on Jan 6 has been hunted relentlessly by the FBI as if they have nothing better to do.

Trumps most important mission is to purge the FBI of left wing extremists
The full transcripts is a 59 minute read, and the fact check of the transcripts by Times is a 12 minute read. I saved 47 minutes but still wasted 12 minutes.
I have to admit I liked his story about pilots on Air Force one. "Better looking than Tom Cruise" !!! This is taken from his Joe Rogan interview just before the election.

Milei should be person of the year

Also Trump and Netanyuha have been best friends forever since the 70s I thought that was common knowledge

He's 100 % correct about the Jan 6 people. BLM rioters were given immunity to loot, destroy, attack and set fire to whole city blocks and business (ironically many of them black owned business') Meanwhile any Trump voter within 10 miles of the capital on Jan 6 has been hunted relentlessly by the FBI as if they have nothing better to do.

Trumps most important mission is to purge the FBI of left wing extremists
No, Trump and Netanyahu had something of a falling out. Apparently the final straw came when Netanyahu called Biden to congratulate him on winning. Trump viewed that as disloyal.